Who are we as women when we embody freedom outside of the structures of internalised patriarchy and misogyny?
Within the society we live, across continents, country borders and cultures, we are all faced with the challenge of being a woman. There is not a natural language speaking the wisdom a woman embodies once she is empowered in her truth. Our circadian rhythm, our dreams, our infinitely forgiving heart and deep understanding is compromised and we need safe containers and mentors to be given the chance to evolve according to our potential.
Women’s group allows this. A safe space for women to connect, explore and feel inspired and empowered by growing beyond fear, competition and jealousy. We serve each other with our truth and we get reflected in a mature, explorative manner which gives us the opportunity to advance our relating skill, our sensuality, our body and develop our natural, mystical side. We are done suppressing our truth and neglecting our emotional and spiritual nature. We are here to connect in harmony, wisdom and natural elements. And we will embrace each others strengths and learn from each other what we can look for on in our inner world.
Facing #me too in workplaces, domestic violence and not having the ability to be heard the same way as a man. It is time we rise and stand up feeling the support from our sisterhood.
We are here to bring our voices and create change.
Noone is doing better alone, together we move mountains.
You are invited as a homestaying mother, as a CEO, as a daughter, as a queer, and all in between. From all corners of our beautiful world.
We meet every week
The Paradox of Truth
Lay down your armour
Listen deeply…
Allowing pretence and seduction to rest
Are you still buying into mansplaining and stroking egos to feed you your pay check?
Who are you, Woman?
Are you answering the Call?
Can you feel the sacred anger of the injustice?
The Death of your culturally inherited feminine?
The Death of your forced rebellious masculine?
The Death of your Goddess?
Welcome to join in on a 6 weeks deep dive to reclaim, remember and resurrect ancient Wisdom
A container aimed for the woman who is ready, committed and seeking the deeper layers of
Her Healing Heart
Her Unapologetic Truth
Her Juice, Her Elixir, Her Magic Potion
Her Medicine
Her Integrity
Remembering Sisterhood
Together we will explore what ways we can express and revolutionise the potent portals, the gateway to heaven on earth.
Together as Midwives, as Leaders, as Caretakers, as Truth Seekers, as Courtesans, as Mothers, as Seers
Lets burn it all away
To all Men breaking ways for Women, we honour your courage, your heart and your warrior spirit.
We honour the Purification of our Belonging to each other.
What more interesting could there be to life than surrendering to the intelligence of something outside of ourselves?
Signup for this 6 weeks deeply supporting and transformative journey through contact form. Early Bird $222 ends 03:03:2022.
Doors Open on International Women’s Day, 08:03:2022, you are welcome to signup for the webinar where we will honour our ancestors and all the women that paved the path we are currently on.
Blessed be, SistAr, Will you be there?
Course Content
Week 1&2
Understanding what has been forgotten, neglected and swiped under the rug.
Week 3&4
Getting to know our archetypical selves.
Week 5&6
Rising from the ashes of our Sacred Death.