Guiding, healing and coaching therapy tailored for men seeking growth and emotional mastery
Self Esteem
Intimacy and ED
Chronic stress and burnout
Fear of failure
Dear Men
I love you dearly and deeply, but it’s time we have a real talk.
You see, there’s something really disturbing about the society we have co-created
The Warrior ethos runs deep in your blood
The programming of the Hero was a systemic betrayal with the sole purpose of serving greed
They kidnapped your conscience and made you believe that serving political agendas and militaristic hierarchies was more honorable than safeguarding and protecting your loved ones, your tribe, your community
They reframed honor as obedience to authority
Rather than to one’s moral compass
You were taught that serving a King or a nation was the ultimate ideal of hero, even when it meant abandoning your families or causing harm to innocent people, their communities or your own sense of autonomy
The manipulation led you astray for generations
They stole your loyalty
They distorted your strength
They ripped you from your integrity
Forgive them not, they knew exactly what they were doing
Romanticizing dying for agenda’s, propaganda’s
That serving the ambition to others grants glory and immortality
They spoke to your existential purpose
They crafted a sense of deep belonging through their forced separation
In short, they weaponized masculinity
Without your consent, they centralized loyalty
And now the hallmark of a good soldier is emotional repression
But here’s the Trap;
You, as noble man has to struggle with hypercompetition.
Your sense of of worthiness lies in being better, stronger, faster and more successful than the men around you
You think that vulnerability is weakness and the only way to survive is adopting stoicism, suffering in silence and solving all problems alone
Leaving you numb and alienated
On top of that you misplace priorities thinking that by serving careers, corporations and status will bring success
-only to realize it’s hollow, easily replaced and you’re swimming in an ocean of manipulation
I bet your mother told you to Man up when you needed to process your natural emotional response
You were maybe even told that Boys don’t cry
You were ridiculed by emotional illiterate humans
Your mother told you or showed you that obedience is self control
She too was disconnected
Her worth is relying on raising strong sons
Her success is defined by how well her son serves authority
She kept telling the story of the glorified strong silent man, a man willing to sacrifice his life.
She was afraid that if she nurtured emotional vulnerability, it would make her son weak and unfit for harsh realities.
She was guilted into compliance as society thought a soft son would fail to protect
By learning that obedience is honorable, you never once stopped to ask if it is in alignment with your own values
Instead, you are carrying around a very distorted and unrealized way to discern, validate and understand yourself
She was guilted into compliance as society thought a soft son would fail to protect
By learning that obedience is honorable, you never once stopped to ask if it is in alignment with your own values
Instead, you are carrying around a very distorted and unrealized way to discern, validate and understand yourself
And even deeper, there’s such anger, frustration and even hatred towards Her.
Your wife, your sister, your female colleague
You cope by overpowering her, outconquering her, outsmarting her
How can you not be angry as fuck?
You’re basically bamboozled of your own growth
Men, when I look at you, I see a crippled human
A living being that never fully bloomed.
I see you decompose as buds
On behalf of all mothers, I am truly deeply sorry that our society does not support your vibrant growth.
I am splintered to pieces understanding how we could not protect you, how we shamed you into emotional handicap
It breaks my heart and shatters my dreams
I want you to show up here with me
With my support and many other women
I want you to recognize your sense of self
Would you like to not be manipulated?
Stop relying on women to do the emotional labor
First step to autonomy is to recognize that your thoughts and judgement are not yours alone
We are so vulnerable as humans.
If we never question our thoughts, we will unconsciously think what we’ve been told to think
Men used to fight to defend homes, children and loved ones, not for extended power structures
They would serve with personal accountability
They found honor in keeping their word, being loyal and exerting respect.
Building trustworthy relationships
Unfortunately, you were removed from your families, your communities and you left us vulnerable and neglected
It was not your fault, the responsibility lies at the feet of authority
But we lost our protectors
And you lost your autonomy
You were told that serving institutionalized obedience was more honorable than serving the women and children in your community
We lost our builders
We lost your love
We lost your skills
We lost your guidance
We lost your comfort
We lost our role models in peacemaking, community building and the wisdom of self mastery.
We need you
We need you to remind us
We need you to allow us to remind you
Restoring Trust in Men
Restoring Trust in the Mother
Can she start building emotional intelligent men?
Can she support the men lacking this kind of mother in his life?
Support by showing him the path of emotional self mastery?
Using his Strength to Protect
Build and serve his local tribe
Finding his Purpose in doing so
His fulfillment
His joy
His sense of doing good
Contributing to giving Life
And transcend his superficial sexual desires to a deeper emotional connection
Finding his heart and navigating sexual chemistry through his emotional integrity
Enhancing pleasure through emotional alignment and commitment
Can we as grown women make him bigger?
Nourish him into growth?
Dear Men,
I am here for you, but you have to allow the work